"I think I've got this..."

These are the words we keep telling ourselves as we try to juggle the endless essential tasks thrust upon us. Most days, we've got our routine down pat, but other times we're riding the struggle bus express.

Organizing your business not only helps you save time & money, but it reduces stress. Where should you begin when seeking a more "organized" chaos? Take note of these 3 simple yet-effective tips I've found to be LIFE CHANGING.

Track Your Expenses

Using an application like Quick Books or my favorite free financial tool, Wave, is one of the simplest ways to keep your finances in one place. Software like Wave automatically imports your bankroll and your credit card transactions so all you have to do is review your statements for accuracy at the end of each month. Side note: Try to keep all your business expenses on your business credit or debit card! Your accountant will thank you.

Keep Your Calendar In Check

Running a business means a full schedule! Avoid double booking or missing appointments by putting everything in your calendar, and be sure to set reminders for each event. Don't leave clients or colleagues hanging by forgetting to call them back. A missed appointment tells the person, "You're not important." A message you don't want sent to a business associate or potential client.

I Might Get Some Heat For This Last One...

CLEAR YOUR INBOX DAILY! Yes, I'm talking to all of my besties with the angry red notifications that show 100 or more unread messages. Having a jam-packed inbox leaves so much room for missed communications and reminders so do your best to keep your inbox clear. If there are items you can't immediately address, leave them as read, flag them, or move them to a designated folder for follow up.

pinterest photo: 3 tips to organize your business

Are Your Customers "swiping left" on your business feed?

If you're here, you've probably considered professional photos but aren't sure if its worth the investment. If that's you, check out the link below!